Wholesale 12 Bottles (40% off) no tax or shipping
15 Bottles at wholesale 40% off
Vadiance Water based supplement is pure spring water highly imbued and concentrated with vital life energy from an advanced new process. Taking only a small amount Vadiance (a few ml daily) helps you become your best self, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by rebalancing your vital energies.
$708.00 Original price was: $708.00.$424.80Current price is: $424.80.
select your vadiance and begin your journey today!

We know you’ll love Vadiance, and if for any reason you don’t —you can get a full refund (including shipping), hassle-free!
Just call 1-719-582-4567 within 6 months of purchase to request a refund. You don’t even need to return the bottle!
I feel positve about everyday life in general. It’s a baseline quiet joy. It’s not that I never get upset, but I seem to be more unflappable. Little things don’t bother me.
Dr. Susan SchroederMedical Doctor & Dermatologist 
After taking Vadiance, I now feel a much greater sense of calm and completeness in my life. I recently went on vacation and usually the first few days I feel a higher level of anxiety, but after taking Vadiance on my last trip, I felt relaxed and at peace right away.
Veronica CeaNew York 
Taking Vadiance was an awesome experience. Some of the benefits I picked up were more focus, visions during meditation, more concentration, less irritable, more sense of peace and able to let go of things easier. It was truly an experience.
Amanda FreeneyIllinois 
A few days after starting Vadiance I encountered a difficult situation at work. Normally I would have been devastated and emotional about it, but instead I felt light hearted and almost joyful. Overall Vadiance makes me feel vigorous and energized; it is as if my body and mind are being cleansed.
Nadine GoeringColorado 
I am at ease, feel balanced and harmonized from deeply inside. This guides me intuitively to a positive flow, energized and focused - a feeling of presence, creativity, and enjoyment that becomes my base vibration for the day. It is wonderful to experience this state of bliss everyday new with my Vadiance morning routine.
Natalie WollmannCalifornia 
Wow! I have been taking Vadiance Water for about 4-5 days and I’m noticing these effects: -More energy, like coffee, but without the buzz -Need less sleep. Normally I need about 6.5 hours per night, and since taking Vadiance, I’ve needed 5.5 hours per night -More relaxed -Meditations are deeper
DR. Arjun ReyesMedical Doctor & Psychiatrist 
Have I felt anything different since drinking Vadiance Water? Yes, I think it helps with energy; focus and intentions are powerful! I’ll take a 55 gallon drum!
Dr. Mary HarrowDoctor of Osteopathy